If you find that Svchost.exe has consistently high CPU & Ram usage (around 200 MB), it’s probable that there is the “Windows Update Standalone Installer stuck” issue. Step 4: Now, you should spend some time monitoring the Svchost.exe process and see how it behaves. Then the Process tab will be reopened and the Svchost.exe process associated with the Windows Updates will be highlighted. Step 3: Then, right-click it and choose Go to details. Step 2: Go to the Services tab and find the wuauserv service. Then go to the Processes tab and click More details. Step 1: Press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys to open Task Manager. Thus, you need to determine that your computer is actually suffering from this issue before you go to the following fixes.
However, updating components can fail for a variety of reasons. It’s really annoying to encounter the issue. How to Confirm That Your System Has This Issue Tip: If your Svchost.exe process is consistently having high CPU & RAM usage, read this post - 4 Fixes for Svchost.exe High CPU Usage (100%) in Windows 10.